"We Can Pray for My Butt Mommy"

If you get disgusted easily about bodily functions then please don't proceed reading this post  ;)  I can assure you though that it's two little but cool stories of how revealed Himself to me in ways that are not big or conventional.  It's about sickness (and it's repercussions and my son's bowel movements). For you brave ones ready to read here we go....

I couldn't decide if I wanted to make this post public or not. After all, it's about my children's poop LOL  But, this blog is to journal how God proves Himself to me, my faith journey, and after talking to two friends about whether or not to blog it they said I should so here I am.

Recently Emery, my five-year-old, got the stomach bug and ended up with diarrhea which ended up in a painfully sore bottom :(  What's this have to do with God?  Neal and I have been talking to her day in and day out about how God loves for us to talk with Him, that we are His children, that He cares about our every need, thought and emotion and that He is faithful to answer prayer.  As Emery is crying (more like screaming) in pain due  to her sore bum and after every effort I can make to ease her pain, I tell her there is nothing else I can do to help her other than sit by her side and comfort her during her ordeal.  Through tears she looks up at me with child-like faith and said, "We can pray for my butt Mommy."

Oh my goodness, how could I have been so closed-minded?!  Of course we could pray and we would but I had a moment of faithlessness.  I was afraid that if God didn't heal her sore bottom right then and there that she would correlate her pain to God not caring, not being faithful. I actually considered not praying with her and just distracting her.  Me of little faith.  I know and believe with all my heart God can and does provide and answer prayers in big ways but this was a small matter.  She was sick and a normal reaction was a sore bum, would God come through?

I took a deep breath and decided to trust God and we prayed for God's quick healing.  And guess what?  He came through right then and there!  Within a minute her crying ceased and she was laughing again.  I quickly pointed out how amazing God was and her reaction was priceless.....a look on her face that told me God just got through to her little precious heart. He started the journey of her learning she can trust Him, even for the small things. He didn't just prove Himself to my five-year-old, the lesson was for myself as well.  It was for me to trust Him that much more.

So the next morning my little Jude's tummy was bothering him (yet again) because he had not pooped in a day or so.  I remembered God's quick response to prayer and faithfulness last night so I took another try at trusting Him with the small stuff. I prayed for my little guy to be relieved of his pain and within a moment I hear noises of relief ;)

Normally I can trust God with the small things but since I'm hormonal (7 week postpartum) I've had a hard time with even the small stuff.  I thank God for loving me so much to come down to my level, of at sometimes, faithlessness to show me just how much He cares.  I mean, the God of the universe, who sent His one and only Son to die for my eternal life took the time to prove His love and faithfulness by answering prayers about a sore butt and lack of  BMs!


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