
Showing posts from July 14, 2013

Oxen & Our Renewed Minds

'Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue  comes  by the strength of the ox.' -Proverbs 14:4 We like things pretty, presentable, neat, organized. We like to present ourselves as 'having it all together.' We do not like hard work or to get dirt under our nails though it's perfectly acceptable in our society to work hard to advance ourselves, to build wealth but we flee when we sense the Holy Spirit is guiding us to look inward and work with our very own mess.  Who exactly jumps for joy when He whispers to our hearts that it's time to look inside to start dealing with our issues and sins that keep us from living the abundant life Christ died for us to have (John 10:10)?   Tracy Cameron, our minister, is guiding us through a sermon series titled, 'Renew Your Mind.'  It's about living as a new creation in Christ, recognizing lies the enemy convinces us to believe and saying "no more!"  I've been set free from some