
Showing posts from March 31, 2013

These Ordinary Days...

I just watched a video of a mother who spoke about 'ordinary days.'  You know, those days that seems to last forever because the baby woke up too many times last night, it's raining yet again and you don't want to  leave the house, the five year old is way too hyper for my own lack of energy and motivation, you feel like you're going to break down in tears from the dishes, laundry, clutter and dirty floors screaming at you.  You know, those days? In fact it feels so rare to not  have an 'ordinary day.'  Maybe that's why I like the slightest change in life.  Heck, even switching around the furniture in the living-room excites me. But life is in deed filled with 'ordinary days' and all of the sudden my 'baby' isn't an infant any more and my daughter is turning into a little lady.  That newborn cry is gone and now the five-year-old likes to have alone time and asking questions like, 'How are girls and boys different?'  Why is