Tas Philas

Luke 15:8-10 is the parable of the lost coin. Verse 9 reads:

 'And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, 
'Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.'

From Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself study I've learned in this passage the actual Greek term is tas philas which means 'female friends.'  One of the fruits of the Spirit is love.  Love has many forms from selfish love (eros) to philos love which is defined as 'the love one has toward a friend or companion' to agape love.

I find the verbiage in verse 9 very close to my heart because God has clearly placed two ladies in my life who are in fact neighbors.  How we met, our stories of where we came from and how our personalities all blend, support and help stretch our own faith and view points is a gift.

I was told by one of these beautiful ladies that I'm 'edgy.'  At first I feared this was a rough corner of my personality that I might have to smooth out but she reassured me it was a good thing :)  She told me it's probably my 'northernness' (we tend to be straightforward) but that she appreciates my openness. For example, like how from day one of our getting to know each other I've shared my struggles, my sin, all the details of my husband having PTSD and how it's affected me, etc  (If you know me you know what she is pointing out).

You see, I'm real. I'm an open book.  If I'm dealing with something, I know there is someone else dealing with it so my theory is let's cut to the chase, take off those masks we like to wear and hide behind and get to the root of intentional relationship.  I've learned it's only when we get to this point that we experience true Biblical community as God intends.  It's when we can be honest with no fear of judgement because you know the other person will love you with Christ-like love as we are called to do even if there is a variance of opinion.  It's when our Abba Father looks down and smiles at His children seeking His will and His heart for their lives together by digging into His Word and each other's hearts.  I just can't help but be an open book and get excited to share the 'good, bad and ugly' of my life because as Roman 8:28 says,

'And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.'

How could I not be open and real when our 'story' just shines and screams God's love, mercy, grace and goodness!!!! 

It's my hearts desire that every woman would experience this 'tas philas' love with other women. It's when you rejoice together over finding a lost coin, point being rejoicing in not only the big things but the little blessings in the life that God sends as well.  It's also my heart's desire that every women experience this 'tas philas' love by having those women who will grieve with you.  It might be over a strained family relationship or being really challenged with what God has called you to do, such as being a stay-at-home Mama.  Having these relations truly heals and over-flows a woman's heart. It gives her strength in so many ways and this is God's design that I'm so thankful for!  I've got to be the most blessed woman in the world because I feel I truly have many of these women in my life and each and every one of them is a gift straight from heaven.


  1. Love you, Jess. You are just the best. :)


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