
Showing posts from January 6, 2019

'Helping' or Hurting? Compassion or Condemnation?

This might sound stupid to say but we come across all kinds of people every day. The ones who seem to have it all together. The ones who have endless energy, drive, attention, hope, etc And on the flip-side, we come across those whom we would describe as cold-hearted, depressed, anxious, angry, overwhelmed, etc What are we offering those people who are struggling in our exchanges with them? Help or hurt? Compassion or condemnation? Condemnation: censure, reprimand, disapproval, judgment, acusation  Compassion: empathy, sympathy, tenderheartedness, mercy, consideration When we interact with someone, are we listening to what they're saying? I mean, really saying without words? Are we watching their body language? Are we looking them in the eyes, willing to look past their outer shell? Are we trying to see the condition of their heart and look past the mask? Are we looking for ways we can support them, show them true love, let them know they're worth love, attentio