
Showing posts from June 26, 2011

A short synopsis of how we got to TN

A month or so before we moved to TN God was testing my faith.  He led me to the story of Abraham and how He called Abraham to a new land and promised many things.  God was calling me to TN, to trust God. To trust Him 100%.  I didn't know anyone but my parents and sister.  I didn't have any friends (other then my sister) nor did I have a church or church family.  I didn't know what our future would look like but I felt in my spirit that if I just trusted the Lord, followed Him to this new land, that I would be blessed and would find Him at the next level.  And what do you know...just as God was in MD when we left He was in TN with His arms wide open, proud of me and my obedience and trust in Him.  He has poured out so many blessings already in the first 6 months that we've been here.  I just can't imagine all He will reveal to me as I take baby steps forward, to finish crossing my Jordan.

Crossing My Jordan River

I AM IN AWE OF YOUR LORD!  YOUR FAITHFULNESS JUST BLOWS MY MIND!  I've been asking you to show me how much you love me, just how important I am to you.  You have been doing just that by doing as Beth Moore calls "God Stops."  A "God Stop" (or G.S. for short) is any way God discloses Himself to me.  Let me start explaining my G.S. for June 27, 2011... I've been thinking of the past.  I've been learning how to get over hurts, hangups and strongholds, etc  The past 6 months that we've lived in TN has been an amazing time of healing for me, all due to the guidance of the Lord of course.  Last week the Lord led me to Psamls 78:3,4 "things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us.  We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done."  I have a desire to teach Emery that the Lord is faithful. I read the daily verse sent to m