Sometimes Our Wilderness Is His Will
There you are. Standing or spinning, maybe even crawling, in a wilderness you never expected to be in. Where your soul once felt overflowing it now feels dry. Your environment once was lush with milk and honey spiritually speaking, full of people who knew you, loved you and you lived daily and deeply with in the 'fellowship of believers' (Acts 2). The picture of your wilderness doesn't look so bad on the outside but it's not the environment you thrive in and the worst part, you can't figure out exactly what's off or lacking in order to 'fix it.' I believe this is the part of the story where God says, 'Exactly honey!' :-) You've just had enough! So you pray the Lord changed His mind and leads you elsewhere because we run from difficulty but in the difficulty is where you find your lifeline, manna. We think that if the Lord led us to difficulty, or a wilderness, that He is cruel or unloving, but it's quite the opposite. The wilderne...