
Showing posts from June 3, 2012

Family and A Thorn

The people who share your physical blood. The people who share the common bond of being chosen, covered, forgiven, made righteous for eternal life all by the blood of one Man.   Which is stronger?   Many people will say your family (genetic family) is the strongest and most important thing you'll ever have.  I do agree that your family should be important, held in high regard and sacred.  What happens when your own flesh and blood is the thorn in your side as Paul speaks about in 2 Corinthians?  This is when things get so heart-wrenching and gray, a fertile ground for the enemy to play his games.   I believe that if we are true disciples of Christ then we need to love one another (John 13:35) and 'If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone' (Romans 12:18).  To add to that, we are commanded in Matthew 5 to 'love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.'  This has got to be the hardest command.  How do you love someone who alway

Ultimate Story of Love, Faithfulness and Acceptance That Can't Be Found Here on Earth

Wealth, health, love, friendships will all fade away and when it does what would I have left if I didn't have my faith and trust in God? In my life, I've lost a lot and I'm so thankful.  I've lost the man I loved for years, a child, I've lost a house, financial peace, friendships I thought were true, family that has shown me only conditional love and turned their backs when things get tough and more but Christ and His love and faithfulness is the only truth thing in life that has sustained me.   Whether we admit it or not, we all desire to be loved and accepted unconditionally.  Where can you find this love in today's 'riches'? In money? A degree or career? Marriage? Best friend? Being a giver of life, a mother? In a purse or boat or house?  Our flesh pursues all of these avenues for fulfillment.  It's important to enjoy marriages, Biblical friendships, to be thankful for the income God has provided, etc but how will we react when it all diss