
Showing posts from September 5, 2010

Beginning of Discovery

Without a doubt with all of the circumstances that have occurred in the past year and a half it has done two things 1)  Overwhelm me, scare me, make me anxious and make me feel like I don’t know up from down. and… 2)  Make me dependent on God.   You know when you’re so low you know you can’t depend on anyone but your Father in Heaven, that you can only look up?  When you know you can trust no one but God?  When you just cry out and know He loves you more then anyone else loves you and you know that love will never cease therefore it makes you just keep going?  My God has been so faithful to me that the best I can do in return is be faithful to Him.  To keep loving Him, needing Him, looking to Him and follow where He leads.   I wish I could say the way I felt in #2 above was how I felt a majority of the time but that would be lying or trying to make myself out for who I desire to be.  Sure I felt the feelings in #2 MANY times but to be 100% honest, #1 is how I felt most of the