
Showing posts from July 15, 2012

Biblical Patience Is Long-Suffering In Respect To People

The second Greek word for patience in the Bible is makrothumia.   This word is a quality found in the fruit of the Spirit and  means "long-suffering in respect to persons."  Just as the key to hupomone  (capacity to bear up under things or circumstances) is inspired by hope,  makrothumia is fueled by mercy. I've learned of myself that I have much  more patience with God then with people.  Beth Moore states though, "God's priority will always be how we treat people over circumstances."  I stand guilty of a lack of patience with people.  But you know what, God has gently rebuked me and taught me a few things. 1)  It's His patience with me (and all of mankind) that is salvation (2 Peter 3:9).  He also commands me to His form of patience. 2)  I have not possessed mercy as God has and I am called to do this. Recently God placed someone in my life for me to disciple.  I took this role very seriously and was honored just as Paul said in 1 Thessalonians

Biblical Patience is Spiritual Endurance

I highly recommend Beth Moore's "Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring The Fruit Of The Spirit."  I will be eventually blog the lessons He has taught me through this study which leads me to my #1 lesson..... Patience.  If you really know me well you know I am a very  impatient gal.  Like most people who live in today's culture, I want something when I want it. In fact, it makes me mad or unsettled when I do have to wait.  Our culture is soaked with impatience, every where you look and go.  The first word in the Bible for patience is the Greek word hupomone which means 'to persevere, remain under...bearing up under....refers to that quality of character which does not allow one to surrender to or succumb under trial.' It's endurance in relation to "things or circumstances."  This patience is inspired by hope in Jesus Christ. This word for hope  is elpis  which means, 'the desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it." It's a pos

It's a boy!

I asked Emery if she wanted a girl or a boy for a sibling and her response right away was, "A boy!"  I thought for sure she'd say a girl but just when you think you can read their thoughts they surprise you :)   I asked her why and her response was, "Boys have hair that go to the side and is clear, you know like my friend Sam?  Girls hair can be messy and they have that little pony tail up top their head (I believe she is referring to the pebbles pony tail) and I don't like that." So we went to the doctor Friday, July 13th 2012 and for sure, it's a boy!  Neal's response was a huge smile, along with Emery.  In the car Neal said, "I made a man!'  It was so precious to see them glowing the rest of the day.   Me, I'm excited to have one of each. So blessed but at the same time nervous b/c all that goes through my head is stated perfectly from this cartoon I read in a book: "Wow, I'm pregnant again! *Gasp* What if it's a boy?? I