
Showing posts from January 13, 2013

Reassurance & 'The Little Things'

The Lord blessed me today. Let me rephrase that, He blesses me more then I deserve but today He sent a blessing that normally I would have overlooked. He sent me a reassurance, when one was much needed. Why did He do this? Because I'm loved by my Abba Father and He cares for me. Last night I had that new mom breakdown. That moment in time when you're baby won't stop fussing, screaming, squirming, won't start sleeping and therefore you just collapse in a chair and cry because you imagined the second child would be easier, you imagined you would have this newborn thing down the second time around.  The exhaustion has finally set in and I was overwhelmed. It's that moment you know you love your child and are beyond thankful to the Lord for this precious gift but it doesn't mean it's not a tough season-a season that only lasts a few months but at the time seems like forever. And then you get that mommy guilt for even feeling that way.  All you mamas know what