
Showing posts from December 30, 2012

Cabin Fever, Dark Circles & God's Current Calling

It has officially hit me, cabin fever and the fear of not being anything else other than a exhausted milking-machine  ;-)   All I'm feeling is normal of course, such as: Why won't my sick newborn sleep!?! Is he still breathing? What habits am I forming with him now to just get some sleep that I'm going to have to battle later? You've got to be kidding me, it's time to nurse again? Oh my goodness, is that what I look like? *staring in the mirror* Then there are the concerns my type A personality keeps drilling over: My floors, they need to be cleaned. When was the last time they were steam cleaned? What can I give away to make this apartment seem bigger for six more months? Geez, I thought I had laundry before a newborn! Where is my magic fairy godmother that specializes in house cleaning/organization for a neat-freak, germaphobe like me? So many things for me to easily stress about, unfortunately it comes naturally for me but I've go