It's a boy!

I asked Emery if she wanted a girl or a boy for a sibling and her response right away was, "A boy!"  I thought for sure she'd say a girl but just when you think you can read their thoughts they surprise you :)  
I asked her why and her response was, "Boys have hair that go to the side and is clear, you know like my friend Sam?  Girls hair can be messy and they have that little pony tail up top their head (I believe she is referring to the pebbles pony tail) and I don't like that."
So we went to the doctor Friday, July 13th 2012 and for sure, it's a boy!  Neal's response was a huge smile, along with Emery.  In the car Neal said, "I made a man!'  It was so precious to see them glowing the rest of the day.  
Me, I'm excited to have one of each. So blessed but at the same time nervous b/c all that goes through my head is stated perfectly from this cartoon I read in a book:

"Wow, I'm pregnant again! *Gasp* What if it's a boy?? I grew up with a sister! I have a daughter! I don't know anything about little boys! I don't know how they think... I don't know how they act... Oh wait-yes I do...I'm married. (Coming from the other room the husband says, "I heard that!").  

I'm excited b/c God's perfect plan for our family is a boy next :)


  1. You are going to love having a boy.. And yes, they are just like men only smaller.. They give their all, what you see is what you get, they don't play the emotional games and they don't stay mad!! I had 3 boys and an adopted a daughter... I could have taken my three boys and multiplied them and they would have still been easier then my daughter.. Of course I was raised with 3 boys and 2 more adopted brothers.. no sisters...


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