Biblical Patience Is Long-Suffering In Respect To People

The second Greek word for patience in the Bible is makrothumia.  This word is a quality found in the fruit of the Spirit and  means "long-suffering in respect to persons."  Just as the key to hupomone (capacity to bear up under things or circumstances) is inspired by hope, makrothumia is fueled by mercy.

I've learned of myself that I have much more patience with God then with people.  Beth Moore states though, "God's priority will always be how we treat people over circumstances."  I stand guilty of a lack of patience with people.  But you know what, God has gently rebuked me and taught me a few things.

1)  It's His patience with me (and all of mankind) that is salvation (2 Peter 3:9).  He also commands me to His form of patience.

2)  I have not possessed mercy as God has and I am called to do this.

Recently God placed someone in my life for me to disciple.  I took this role very seriously and was honored just as Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."  This is how I felt for this person.  I wanted to share every single aspect of God's goodness that I've experienced, share His light and unending love, faithfulness and truth.  I wanted all of my trials and lessons in life to be used for this person's good, to help save them from my sinful or stupid mistakes that led me away from His will.

I rejoiced with this person in their revelation of His love and goodness and just as my heart rejoiced, my heart ached for their pain and bondage as well.  I took on all of their trials and pains and made them mine. I can honestly say I gave my all.

That's just it.  I gave it my all when I needed to give His  all.  I needed His mercy more.  It was my hearts desire to walk through the fire with this person and help lead them to freedom but that is the Holy Spirit's job.  I was hurting so much for this person that I didn't have His patience,  I wanted my time table for their freedom.  My heart was completely broken when the person I loved so much looked me in the eye and gave me a reason for not doing the things required for their freedom in Christ such as praying and reading daily.  At that moment I knew that what I had set out for them to receive from Christ wasn't going to happen on my time table and I had a difficult time being at peace with this.

I also learned the I expected to be the one God used through the whole process of freedom and His revelation to them. I thought I'd be the one to start and end the walk with them, the one to walk every step of the way with them.   Control was an issue for me, though it wasn't a conscious effort.  And the merciful thing was that God prepared me for these lessons ahead of time, lessons that hurt so much at first but resulted in His refining fire in my heart.

I know that I have finally learned the lesson (the lesson that God has been teaching me for a year and a half now) that I can not change people, that I am not responsible for their actions. That I must love with agape-like love.  Agape love flows from what's right and best, it's a response not a feeling, God commands agape love, it commands us toward a surrender unto His Spirit which results in obedience.

I lived by my emotions too much during the discipleship process.  Emotions and agape love are not the same.  Agape love, "...always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" 1 Cor. 13: 7-8.

I can now say I'm at peace and have learned a few very valuable lessons that will one day help me in relation to someone else one day.

Hupomone-patience that endures under circumstances and has hope in God.

Makrothumia-patience that is a quality found in the fruit of the Spirit and  means "long-suffering in respect to persons."

By the way, these word lessons and points comes from Beth Moore's "Living Beyond Yourself:  Exploring The Fruit Of The Spirit" not from me ;)


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