Family and A Thorn

The people who share your physical blood.

The people who share the common bond of being chosen, covered, forgiven, made righteous for eternal life all by the blood of one Man.  

Which is stronger?  

Many people will say your family (genetic family) is the strongest and most important thing you'll ever have.  I do agree that your family should be important, held in high regard and sacred.  What happens when your own flesh and blood is the thorn in your side as Paul speaks about in 2 Corinthians?  This is when things get so heart-wrenching and gray, a fertile ground for the enemy to play his games.  

I believe that if we are true disciples of Christ then we need to love one another (John 13:35) and 'If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone' (Romans 12:18).  To add to that, we are commanded in Matthew 5 to 'love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.'  This has got to be the hardest command.  How do you love someone who always attacks you, always condemns you, always looks for something to persecute you about?  How can you possibly love someone who is like poison to your body, mind, and soul and how can you possibly cope when it's more than one person (as if one isn't enough!)

It's hard to recognize and then admit that your own flesh and blood is the tool that the enemy uses to attack you.  That's when Ephesians 6:12-13 comes in, 'For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything to take your stand.'  If we recognize the enemy's schemes we can put on the armor of God for this heart-breaking battle and learn how to love.  I've learned a few things about love...

There are numerous variations of the word love.  Eros (one form of Greek for love) is defined by selfish love that seeks to conquer and control.  Then there is philos-love toward a freind. Tas philas-love between female friends, philadelphos-'brotherly love,philarguros-love of money and philautos-lover of self. Then there is the ultimate love, agape love that only God is capable of.  

Agape love:
-flows from what is right and best
-It's a response, not a feeling
-God commands agape love
-Emotions and agape are not the same

Are we capable of loving with an agape love?  We indeed are capable of agape love if we die to our flesh, live by the Spirit and surrender to the Holy Spirit's guidance, key being die to our flesh.  And that is when it gets hard and messy!  It's much easier to hate those who persecute you but that wouldn't be any better then a tax collector.  

I'm here to say that I'm not perfect.  I am indeed a sinner who needs the Holy Spirit's miraculous guidance to love as He calls me to.  My own flesh and being can not and will not do it on my own. 


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