My Heart Longs For...

My heart has ached for a while a place to call home but it's been really difficult lately. A place where my children grow up, make memories, play in our backyard. A place we call home where we can mark yearly our children's grown on the door frame to look back to 30 years later.   I know where ever we live we can make these memories but my heart's desire is for a permanent place, I so tired of moving.  I've moved at least 10 times that I can recall.

Yesterday's Jesus Calling devotional read, "This is a time in your life when you must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control.'  I am indeed in need of letting go of lost loved ones and relationships, of possessions (the Holy Spirit revealed I'm making a place of our own an idol-something I'm focusing on way too much).  That last part, that I need to let go of control, is something I'm continually learning and have come a long way on.  It's so easy to open up or make a door open and think it's God's will when in fact it's just our own efforts and not God's will or blessing. I speak of this from experience.

Today Neal and I were trying to decide if we will rent for another two years or try to buy through an alternative method such as seller financing, Neal and I both felt the Holy Spirit saying, 'don't force the issue, just wait and trust me.'  We said that after all we've been through it's much easier to trust Him now.  He has shown Himself to be so very faithful and abundant in blessings when we just submit our desires at His feet, wait with trusting hearts and follow His will.  He provides and provides in abundance when we take a leap of faith.  All we have to do is look at the retirement and all it's positive outcomes God granted let alone our experience so far in TN and everything that led us here :)

After this discussion on the phone I turned to the Jesus Calling for today, March 26, 2013 and it says, 'Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do. It entails trust in Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself...I have promised many blessings to those who wait on me.'

Coincidence?  I don't believe there is such a thing as a coincidence with God. I believe God was telling me to stop trying to make the house situation work out right now and to just wait.

So Lord here is my desire for a home. I trust that you are good and that you indeed work things out for the good of those who love you. You've been more than faithful in the past and I know if I follow you, no matter what, if I get my 'home' or not that I'll always have my home in heaven. What better security?  None.


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