Reassurance & 'The Little Things'

The Lord blessed me today. Let me rephrase that, He blesses me more then I deserve but today He sent a blessing that normally I would have overlooked. He sent me a reassurance, when one was much needed. Why did He do this? Because I'm loved by my Abba Father and He cares for me.

Last night I had that new mom breakdown. That moment in time when you're baby won't stop fussing, screaming, squirming, won't start sleeping and therefore you just collapse in a chair and cry because you imagined the second child would be easier, you imagined you would have this newborn thing down the second time around.  The exhaustion has finally set in and I was overwhelmed. It's that moment you know you love your child and are beyond thankful to the Lord for this precious gift but it doesn't mean it's not a tough season-a season that only lasts a few months but at the time seems like forever. And then you get that mommy guilt for even feeling that way.  All you mamas know what I'm talking about.

Jude was screaming-yet again- and Emery was getting on my nerves (not that she actually did something wrong, just because I'm testy right now).  I was heading out the door to walk up to our clubhouse to meet my friend Holly and her three kiddos and another mom that lives in our complex.  I was looking forward to the social interaction, to catch up with Holly and to meet a new friend.  Our whole walk up Jude is screaming bloody murder, Emery is whining while asking why her 'bruder' always cries and I was close to screaming, 'I don't know or else I'd fix it!'

Side's the little things in life that count.  Holly thought of me by bringing me a Heath Bar coffee cream for our coffee date :)  *so sweet*  Thanks!  Note to self: don't stop searching for these 'little things' that the Lord sends my way daily.

The 5 biggest kiddos were all happy and playing, quietly leaving us three Mamas an opportunity to actually chat.

In Franklin, when you meet someone new, you can almost always assume they are a transplant to TN.  So that led to the conversation of how God orchestrated our move to TN and all  His blessings that followed along with hearing this new Mama's story of how her family got here as well.  It never ceases to amaze me how God brings people here and how 99.9% of people feel God called them here and how blessed they are to live in this area.  Then the conversation led to our current struggles from building a house, to looking for a house to buy and to our case-wanting to live closer to our church family but not being able to get out of our lease and into a bigger place. The conversation went to extended family then to our struggles as stay-at-home Mamas.  How God has called us to stay-at-home, to home school and that it's the toughest job, more then a full-time job.  They reassured me that all of my current frustrations and worry-filled nights were very normal. It was nice to hear that, to know I'm not going off the deep end ;)  It was nice to sit down with like-minded, God-oriented ladies, both only steps from my doorstep!  This was God's reassurance to me today, a much needed reassurance plus a little help to see 'the big picture' right now.

Then we get home and Jude sleeps and Emery is playing quietly in her room for our own 'quiet times', leaving me enough time to write this blog and chill out.  Plus God threw in a yummy coffee creamer for an extra umph :)


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