Cabin Fever, Dark Circles & God's Current Calling

It has officially hit me, cabin fever and the fear of not being anything else other than a exhausted milking-machine  ;-)   All I'm feeling is normal of course, such as:

Why won't my sick newborn sleep!?!
Is he still breathing?
What habits am I forming with him now to just get some sleep that I'm going to have to battle later?
You've got to be kidding me, it's time to nurse again?
Oh my goodness, is that what I look like? *staring in the mirror*

Then there are the concerns my type A personality keeps drilling over:
My floors, they need to be cleaned. When was the last time they were steam cleaned?
What can I give away to make this apartment seem bigger for six more months?
Geez, I thought I had laundry before a newborn! Where is my magic fairy godmother that specializes in house cleaning/organization for a neat-freak, germaphobe like me?

So many things for me to easily stress about, unfortunately it comes naturally for me but I've got to stop. The Holy Spirit has been reminding me of being a 'Super Mom' vs an "Abiding Mom' who lives from the Spirit, not by my flesh and to not be so selfish. God also used the below quote from my friend Holly's blog to refresh me today:

'I remember Pastor Mark at Mars Hill talking about obedience at Mars Hill a few years ago.  Sometimes obedience is when we just do what we’re supposed to be doing, even if it’s not exciting, for a long time.  He called that “long obedience, in the same direction.” Do what you’re supposed to be doing until the Lord gives you something else to do.  And be faithful to do what He gives you.'

Right now, I can only dream of accomplishing something other then laundry and getting out of the house, let alone sleeping.  I'm sure it seems like I'm complaining about everything, that's not my heart's place. I'm beyond thankful for the Lord's calling on my life to be a home-schooling, stay-at-home mama and wife.  I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything but that doesn't mean there are not times it's not difficult to 'do what you're supposed to be doing' and be 'faithful to do what He gives you.'  I just like being honest and talk about my challenges instead of putting on that fake mask of 'oh, I'm great, how are you?'

So my prayer is that the Holy Spirit refreshes me to do this privileged calling (an IV with caffeine would be nice too). That I may sacrificially and whole-heartily serve Him, my husband then my children as joyfully and selflessly as He calls me to and as they deserve.  In the middle of the night when my sleep is abruptly disturbed I pray God will remind me that I'm raising His children, that He trusted us to disciple and love these precious next-generation Christians that one day I claim will make a difference for Christ!

Just a note of gratitude to my husband and for the world (or at least my small circle of readers) to know that my husband is the best a gal can ask for!   He has had such a loving and serving heart in so many ways and so much patience (he far outweighs me in the patience department any day!).  I'm so honored to be your other half in this journey of life! 


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