Dear America-Baltimore Riots

In reaction to the Baltimore riots in 2015

Dear America,

My husband served YOU.

He knew that his passion to serve YOU could cost his life and there are numerous times it was a 'close call'. Do you get that? The love of my life almost didn't come home, his daughter came close to not having her Daddy. Even though it was a real possibilty his life could have been the sacrifice that is sometimes required, he geared up everyday with pride to protect YOU. It was in his blood and aside from our daughter and myself, it was what made his heart beat.

Yes, I'm speaking to YOU because at any time, that call to serve and protect YOU could come by his way and he wouldn't hesitate to come to your aide. Despite what certain racist groups proclaim, when he was called to YOUR side he didn't drive there thinking, 'Oh, I wonder if this person in need is of another race or color as I am?' No. He would go as quickly as he could, not knowing what kind of situation he'd arrive on whether it be a fender bender, a traumatic scene or a situation that could take his life.

He changed YOUR tire along the busy roads, he still reported to work in dangerous weather because he knew one less of his kind out there could mean YOUR life (this also included sick days). He rescued YOU from that drunk driver that was heading your way Saturday evening, he pulled YOU and your children out of that abusive relationship. His job even entailed making sure you were safe after a break-in and caught the idiot. He investigated YOUR identity theft, found YOUR missing teenager and even directed traffic in the middle of the road so YOU could make your way home with your children after that big county fair you made memories at. He served that warrant and raided that drug house to get one more criminal off the street so YOUR city would be that much safer.
Guess what America, my husband isn't in the military. Because he's not in the military he does not get nearly the amount of respect, honor and appreciate that is due. He didn't go thousands of miles away to protect you, his war zone is the very place he grew up in, he lives in, he plays baseball at with his son and because of that he is never 'off' of work.

My husband is a State Trooper. Actually, let me rephrase that. My law enforcement officer retired at the age of 25.  25! Something no one expects. No, he didn't sacrifice his physical life but due to the hazards of his job and serving YOU proudly every second, he sacrificed the next biggest thing, a normal life, like the one YOU lead.

You see America, he was a Trooper and these men can not take back what they've seen or the dangers that nearly took their life. He retired at 25 for these very things,  he retired from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. His life will never be the same, our life as a family will never be the same. Retirement isn't so great or at least not when you relive all of those terrifying events every time you shut your eyes. Retirement isn't all fine and dandy when you know the very thing your husband loved took something away from you that you'll never get back again, the person before the trauma. Life after trauma is never the same, even with recovery because we can't take back time.
But because he's not military or because you're pissed you got caught breaking the law, his sacrifice is not recognized or even worse, spat on. I don't see people ignoring a Veteran's service and sacrifice for YOU so why is my husband's and every other cops love, service and ultimate sacrifice not taken seriously? Most of the time cops serve and protect YOU much longer then militaty. Do you realize that?

As I watch America act in such ignortant ways, it honestly breaks my heart for EACH and EVERY cop in the United States of America. I guess we can't really call it united if the very people who protect YOU are also disrespected, dishonored, hated or even killed by YOU. 

I do fully realize the 'Americans' that this is directed to is not everyone. The people who do recognize an officers sacrifice are the ones that make living the rest of our lives, never the same again, a little easier. You see from a wife's point of view, it's slightly easier (if you could say that) to go on with a life-long, life-altering illness without people pouring vinegar over his wounds.

My husband is my hero, his childrens hero and a hero to countless others. Maybe, just maybe, this whole Baltimore situation will bring light to the life officers live and guess what? Love. 


  1. I would like to thank your husband for all he did for his State and the people he served. Officers have a tough job to do and do not get the thanks that they should receive, They are put in unsafe positions many, many times. They took the job knowing it could be extremely dangerous, but went to work everyday to serve and protect. I thank all the lawful law officers who serve our people daily and pray for their safety. Too often they are not thanked and I want to thank all that serve and protect. God Bless you and keep you all safe. For those who have left the position for the reason stated in this story, Thank-you for your service and I pray for whatever the reasons that have caused you to end the career that you chose and could not do I pray that you may find peace within and are able to overcome this. Thank-you


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