
I have an itch.  Something inside my soul that I’m not 100% sure what it is but I have a feeling it will be something big and exciting.  I also know it entails my precious family, Neal, Emery, and I.  I can feel it.....  

I'm tired of spending time doing things that are meaningless.  My job is a vicious cycle.  At this point in my life, I'm spending all of this time just trying to earn a buck to keep my family above water financially.  This is on my shoulders because of a human being who keeps denying Neal secondary employment.  I'm not spending as much time with Emery as I like but our culture says materialism and consumerism is life, that everything circles around working.  I know this perspective is backward.    

I feel in my spirit there is a day coming when God will bless our faithfulness to Him during this 2-year dry spell.  I feel when this time comes I'll begin to come into my own, discover myself more and maybe even find my vocation.  

Mother Teresa said, “Don’t worry about your career.  Be concerned about your vocation, which is to be lovers of Jesus.”


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